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GMap.NET component : Moving Marker


WTH is GMap.NET?

Simply put: it’s an open source .net component that can show online mapping service (such as Google Map, Bing Map, OpenStreetMap) in your .NET app.
Download the binary here: http://greatmaps.codeplex.com/
Extract it. You’ll get the .net 2.0 and .net 4.0 version, since I’m using VS 2015, we’ll use the .net 4.0 version.

What will we do now is about how to move a marker inside the map (for tracking/visualizing object movement, etc). We’ll just move the marker randomly in this tutorial.

  • Create new VB Windows Form project
  • Add GMap.NET component into your project reference
GMap.NET component reference

GMap.NET component reference

  • Add GMap.NET component into your toolbar.
Add GMap.NET component step 1

Add GMap.NET component step 1

Add GMap.NET component step 2

Add GMap.NET component step 2

  • Now drag and drop the GMap.NET control into your Form, I name it myMap
  • We’ll also add another controls: 1 Button (name: btnMove), 1 Timer (name: tmr1), 1 Label (name: lblInfo)
List of components

List of components

I also add new bitmap resource into our project properties. This will be used as our marker symbol.

Resource for marker symbol

Resource for marker symbol

You can see the Form’s full source code at the bottom of this post. I’ll just point out some important parts:

  • Map initialization is on Form1_Load event code (zoom level, initial position, provider used, marker type, etc)
  • When you click on the btnMove, it’ll start generating new random position for our marker. The random change is happened in the timer event (tmr1_Tick)
  • The process to update the map visual is delegated into function update_map(), so it will run in different thread and the form still responsive
  • In this tutorial, we are using BingSatelliteMapProvider, you can use another provider such as GoogleMapProvider or OviSatelliteMapProvider. Just see MapProviders namespace to see all supported providers.

Running the app

Running the app

Here’s the full source code:

Imports GMap.NET
Imports GMap.NET.WindowsForms

Public Class Form1
    Private Delegate Sub UpdateFormDelegate()
    Private UpdateFormDelegate1 As UpdateFormDelegate

    Private copter_lat, copter_lon As Double
    Private WithEvents copter_marker As Markers.GMarkerGoogle
    Private WithEvents copter_layer As GMapOverlay

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        copter_lat = -7.076275
        copter_lon = 110.428952

        myMap.MinZoom = 5
        myMap.MaxZoom = 20
        myMap.Zoom = 17
        myMap.Position = New PointLatLng(-7.076275, 110.428952)
        myMap.MapProvider = MapProviders.BingSatelliteMapProvider.Instance
        myMap.Manager.Mode = AccessMode.ServerAndCache
        copter_layer = New GMapOverlay("copter_layer")
        copter_marker = New Markers.GMarkerGoogle(New PointLatLng(-7.076275, 110.428952), My.Resources.purple_drone)
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmr1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmr1.Tick
        Dim delta_lat As Double = ((100 * Rnd()) + 20) / 10000000.0
        Dim delta_lon As Double = ((100 * Rnd()) + 20) / 10000000.0
        Dim not_lat As Single = Rnd()
        Dim not_lon As Single = Rnd()

        If not_lat >= 0.5 Then
            copter_lat += delta_lat
            copter_lat -= delta_lat
        End If
        If not_lon >= 0.5 Then
            copter_lon += delta_lon
            copter_lon -= delta_lon
        End If

        UpdateFormDelegate1 = New UpdateFormDelegate(AddressOf update_map)
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnMove_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMove.Click
        If tmr1.Enabled Then
            tmr1.Enabled = False
            MsgBox("Random Move stop")
            tmr1.Enabled = True
            MsgBox("Random Move start")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub myMap_OnMapZoomChanged() Handles myMap.OnMapZoomChanged
        lblInfo.Text = "Info : Lat= " + CStr(copter_lat) + ", Lon= " + CStr(copter_lon) + ", Zoom Level= " + CStr(myMap.Zoom)
    End Sub

    Private Sub update_map()
        copter_marker.Position = New PointLatLng(copter_lat, copter_lon)
        lblInfo.Text = "Info : Lat= " + CStr(copter_lat) + ", Lon= " + CStr(copter_lon) + ", Zoom Level= " + CStr(myMap.Zoom)
    End Sub
End Class

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